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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Aurora Snow’s Once Upon a Time: Season 4: Ep. 12 “Heroes and Villains” Roundup


“Heroes and Villains”

It’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for. Sure we’ve all heard that phrase before, right? But maybe there’s some truth to that. Maybe it’s because the quiet ones are the most disarming; not because they are quiet, but because we don’t know them as well. They aren’t an open book… just look at Belle. Just when we thought her sweet but naïve character had nothing more to offer – BOOM!

Face it. Belle was in a bad relationship. And that’s not to say she wasn’t loved, because in his own twisted way Rumpel did love her. If anyone was capable of capturing the Dark One’s heart it was she. Which makes me wonder, was it Belle he loved or only the way she saw him? She alone saw something more than the ugliness he presented; she saw beauty within the beast.

Belle is an optimist, a nose in the books and head in the clouds type. She probably once believed in “happily ever afters” too. Which is why she sees the good in everyone, even her troubled husband. Some might call her an enabler. But me? I just see a good-natured woman who’s been taken advantage of and lied to. A lot.

As far as heroes go, Rumpel might be a lost cause. Not even Belle’s love couldn’t save him. He has an addiction. And the first step to treating an addiction is recognizing a problem and Rumpel clearly doesn’t.  Should we love him or feel sorry for him? It’s complicated; I cheer just as loudly when Rumpel turns over a new leaf as I do when he goes back to his villainess ways. Admittedly, Rumpel is at his best when he’s being bad. Sigh.

And yet, getting back to the Dark One’s humanity here, it’s Rumpel’s insecurities that drive him to the brink of madness. It’s those same feelings of inadequacy that Belle has worked so hard to erase, but it’s not in her power. Only Rumpel can face his inner demons.


With the courage of a hero, Belle finally embraces her power over Rumpel. In order to do that, Belle was forced to face the truth: Rumpel will never love her as much as he loves power. The wool over her eyes is long gone. Her husband’s addiction is finally clear. She’ll never be his number one, and sadly, she sees that now; sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Kudos to Belle for stepping out of the shadows, she stepped up and showed that husband of hers who’s boss. And now he’s banished. Of course that doesn’t stop him from plotting his return. He even makes some new friends along the way in good ol’ New York City.

Belle isn’t the only one dealing with a broken heart. Regina is now dealing with one of her own as well. I was shocked to see how this story line played out. Why send Robin Hood away? Why couldn’t we just lose Maid Marian? It was so perfect. But I know why, villains don’t get happy endings. Which begs the question, what is Regina these days? Is she friend or foe?

Speaking of evil forces, I’m not entirely sure what to make of our new antagonists. I love the concept of Cruella DeVille, but I’m not sure I understand how she’ll fit into Once Upon a Time. She’s a puppy killing, fur lover and for that she’s a horrid character, but that’s it. Of course OUAT will re-invent her character, but how I wonder?

We’re going to have to wait until March to find out. That was the OUAT mid-season winter finale. And it was as captivating as I hoped it would be. The Frozen story was nicely wrapped up and brand new villains were introduced. The “author” of it all was hinted at as well. I’m very curious to see how the writers plan to handles that one! Oh, OUAT I will miss you. Season four has improved vastly and should win back the fans season three lost. In large part thanks to the Frozen story line. I hope this momentum can carry forward in the next half of the season.

Aurora Snow Says

Episode Rating:




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