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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Aurora Snow’s Breaking Bad: Season 5: Episode 510: “Buried” Review




Last week’s premiere was all about subtext. As is the norm on this expertly scripted show, there were so many conversations not had that were the most meaningful. Plenty of pregnant silence birthed copious amounts of story. The tension and anxiety that pulses through the veins of this episode “Buried” were tantamount to the shifting of tectonic plates. Am I over hyping it? Don’t think so. Thus far, Breaking Bad’s final season is just that good.

Episode 510 picks up right where last week’s premier left off. All of the tension built up between Hank and Walt in the garage spills out into the real world as Walt makes tracks. After Heisenberg’s threat to Hank “tread lightly”, Hank has been directly challenged. He’s not the type that handles threats well, if anything that’ll make him fight harder. Hank really goes for the jugular in this episode, going after Skyler in the guise of a concerned brother-in-law. Hank and Heisenberg are about to go toe to toe — hold on tight, this roller coaster is just getting warmed up.

Proud of Skyler — instead of becoming a willowy mess of tears she firmly held her ground. She’s a momma protecting her family and for the first time in this series the threat to Skyler came from Hank, not Walt. Skyler’s hands are now dirty from her own bad choices, and if they catch Walt she has to assume they might catch her too. She’s a sharp woman.

Skyler didn’t say a word when her sister Marie confronted her. No admissions, no denials. Not that Marie needed any. Somehow she knew she just didn’t want to face the hard truth. It would have been easier to accept that her husband was crazy. But seeing her sister’s face was all the proof Marie will ever need, and now their relationship has been shaken at its core. This is one of those things they can’t bounce back from.

Found it interesting that Walt had so little faith in his wife. Sure he has plenty of reason to mistrust her, this last year their relationship has been volatile. However he must know deep down that if she tells on him she tells on herself too.  He hasn’t realized yet that she’s on his side, maybe Walt doesn’t realize how deep he’s brought Skyler into this mess.  His goal was to provide for his family not implicate them.  Skyler won’t be the one to tell. But will it be Jesse Pinkman?

Jesse is the real wild card in this saga. He’s completely lost. The visual story of how he comes to be at his wits end is fantastic. Mindlessly throwing millions out of his car window until he ends up at a park in the middle of the night. Nowhere to go, laying on the merry-go-round as he stares up at the stars and his life spins out of control just like that merry-go-round. How he ends up in custody we can only imagine. He wasn’t hard to catch, it’s almost like he wanted to be caught. Maybe he wants to confess to lighten the burden of his guilt. Whether or not he’ll confess to the guy who beat him within an inch of his life is another question. Cannot believe how the show ended, Hank walking in to interrogate Jesse- ugh, it’s nail biting. If only we could have been privy to just a few minutes of that conversation before the cut to black! Maybe Jesse’s hate for Hank will make him snap out of it, if that’s possible. He’s pretty far gone.

Aurora Snow Says:

Episode Rating:



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  1. Holy CRAPS …….. You Make “Breaking Bad” sound even better than the Actual Show! You are Truly gifted and thank You Ever So, … for the Review!! …. I look FORWARD to reading MORE on your Opinions!! ….. it’s Almost like reading a Suspenseful NOVEL!!! ……
    THANK YOU!!!! ……..and ….. YOU ROCK Aurora!!!

    • Thanks so much! I’ll be reviewing the show until it’s conclusion. Hard to believe this is the final half of the season.

      • Yeah!! …… I really Enjoyed the Way YOU did the Review!! You have such wonderful ways of Expressing your opinions! …. I was wondering if You’ve ever written any books? … I been keeping up with SOME of your Articles, … But what about a book? .. And Thanks Again for doing the Reviews on “Breaking Bad”! ….. Can’t wait to hear your next Review!! ….. as Always, …. You ROCK Aurora!!

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