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Aurora Snow’s Once Upon a Time: Season 4: Ep. 11 “Shattered Sight” Roundup


“Shattered Sight”

Everyone in Storybrooke has been affected by the “spell of shattered sight.” Well, almost everyone. Emma and Elsa are immune thanks to their yellow ribbons of love, Mr.Gold wheeled and dealed for his immunity, Anna has already been affected once and therefore immune, and Captain Hook is completely unaffected by it.

Anger has replaced love in the community and people are out with a vengeance fighting their neighbors in the streets. Imagine seeing only the bad, unable to forgive or forget. The world would be a scary place indeed! But in Storybrooke, it’s more hilarious than frightening to see the do-gooders re-imagined. In fact, in this week’s episode there’s plenty to laugh about.

It’s especially gratifying to see Snow White and Prince Charming share their “true” feelings for another. Hurling accusations at one another from the safety of their respective jail cells, Snow White picks the fight.

“Prince Charming. Finally, I’m seeing you clearly,” says Snow White.

“And what do you see?” Prince Charming asks.

“A fraud. A shepherd who has no business being royalty.”

“Well, I see a spoiled little princess who ran away from her troubles, who always runs away.”

Oh yeah that’s the shattered sight spell all right. And aptly named too. It takes those little nagging doubts and turns them into a seething hatred that would otherwise be illogical. The folks of Storybrooke are displaying some of their worst qualities and it’s endlessly entertaining.


Regina vanishes and in her place is her inner Evil Queen. Back are the gorgeous, but difficult to move in, costumes and the regal superiority complex. Keen on revenge for a betrayal she cannot move past, the Evil Queen and Snow White duke it out with an awesome sword fight. Both women fight with a fury we haven’t seen much of this season. The two women have changed so much, they’ve moved forward and left their fighting roots behind in favor of motherhood. It’s refreshing to see them break out of their new, gentler roles – makes for a great catfight.

The Snow Queen has the saddest tale of them all. She’s been looking for love in all of the wrong places. If only she hadn’t been so pushy to the teenaged Emma. Ingrid was probably the best foster mom Emma ever had: kind, loving, and compassionate. The flashbacks were full of heart; they made Ingrid out to be a loveable character, one the audience was compelled to root for despite misguided deeds. The funniest flashback bit was the opening, when Ingrid discovers what a fraud psychics are. Without her powers to punish the fake, Ingrid is forced to wander away and find her own way in the strange new land of modern day America. How she became a foster mother is left up to our imaginations, and I think its better that way.

This episode ends on a “happily ever after” note, with the Snow Queen finding the love she has sought though perhaps not the way she imagined. That’s the end of her stint in Storybrooke, but will this also be the end of Anna and Elsa? I wonder how much longer the Frozen theme will continue. I expected to see it go the entire season, but with the disappearance of the Snow Queen and the reappearance of Anna I just don’t see how the girls have anything left to do but return to Arendelle.

As you know, where one villain is vanquished another materializes. Is the Dark One our next villain?? Can’t wait to see how Belle handles this beast.

Aurora Snow Says

Episode Rating:




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