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Aurora Snow’s Once Upon a Time: Season 4: Ep. 18: “Heart of Gold” Review


“Heart of Gold”

Guess who’s back??? Its the wickedest witch and she’s worse than ever (according to several hints on the show). Personally, I’ve had my fill of Zelena. She had more than enough screen time in season three. If I never saw her again it wouldn’t bother me at all. In fact, I might even cheer.

The wicked witch is played out, in my opinion. No matter how interesting the conflicts between her and Regina may be, it does not negate the fact that Once Upon a Time writers are essentially rehashing old material. And why?? Cruella DeVil is still in Storybrooke and so little has been done with her. It’s disappointing to see so much wasted potential. Fans don’t need to see a useless pack of villains eat up screen time. What we need are one or two well-written ones to sink our teeth into. Is that too much to ask?

Back to the resurrection of the season three villain… Maid Marian never really made it back to Storybrooke, as we were led to believe. It was Zelena. This whole time. Happily co-existing in Storybrooke and then jetting off to New York with Robin Hood. All to get back at Regina, but was it worth it? (As a fan, I’m tempted to go back and re-watch a few key episodes to see if this story fits. It’s hard to believe the writers intended to do this all along; it feels more like a bad surprise.)

And all along Mr. Gold has kept this secret to himself. All those years of darkness took a toll on his heart and without magic he can’t keep the poor ticker going as well. Which is how, after Belle banished him, Gold landed himself in a NYC hospital thanks to a hear attack. Robin Hood being the good guy that he is, called an ambulance right after Gold demanded the family leave Neil’s apartment. Of course Neil’s place is pretty much the only place to go once a character has left Storybrooke. Considering Neil’s relationship with his father, neither he nor Robin really had a right to be there. Nonetheless it makes for a convenient run in.


Robin Hood couldn’t let Gold die. Not when a magic elixir was just around the corner. That man is one heck of a thief. He breaks into a furniture store, sets off an alarm, finds a potion in a matter of seconds, and then outruns the cops. With those skills, I’m sure he can find plenty of ways to make a living in New York. Speaking of which how exactly do they make money? Neither Robin Hood nor Marian/Zelena has taken a job since leaving Storybrooke.

Now that Zelena is back there is sure to be a huge blowout fight between her and Regina. Which leaves little to wonder about. Since we’ve already seen it. In season three (sigh).

I am far more curious to see what happens with the author, especially now that Gold has captured him. I can only imagine what Gold thinks of as his happy ending. I’ll bet it has something to do with his son and Belle. Before we find out though, Gold will have to turn Emma’s heart dark. Is the darkness already creeping in?

At the very beginning of the show, Emma’s eyes were rimmed in red. To me it looked like a heavy-handed make-up artist, but the meaning was clear – tired, red eyes that have seen and done too much. She’s the savior and she’s worn down but that doesn’t make her on the verge of becoming evil. Or at least it shouldn’t.

Emma is a headstrong, lead female with all the right motives. I’d hate to see her torn down over. Then again maybe she’ll emerge stronger than them all. Maybe it’s she who gets rid of Zelena once and for all. I sure hope so. And I hope its quick!

Aurora Snow Says

Episode Rating:



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