Some secrets are hard to keep and nowhere is that more clear than in this week’s episode of Once Upon a Time. As activist Gloria Steinem once said, “the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” And boy does it, there are several unhappy characters in “Ariel” thanks to the secret sharing game they had to play to save Neal.
In order to rescue Neal the group had to share their deepest darkest secrets, but much to my disappointment all of the secrets shared were rather tame. Perhaps that is a testament to their good guy status, even Hook had a heartwarming secret: he’s in love with Emma. Not sure how that qualifies as a secret, since everyone already knew. Nonetheless, it doesn’t strike me as the deepest secret he keeps. Emma’s secret was bit darker, she admits to hoping Neal was dead as putting him behind her is easier than facing the pain he’s caused. It’s a fair secret, and one that Neal maturely accepts. Her secret was music to my ears; I’m secretly rooting for an Emma and Captain Hook romance (sounds far steamier than a rehashed relationship with Neal).
Thrilled to see Regina take charge, even if that means separating herself from the herd. As much as I love Emma’s ragtag group, their “save Henry” mission has ceased to be a priority, they talk more about saving him than actually trying to save him. We need a lot less talk and more action. I have a feeling things are about to heat up action-wise now that Regina has teamed up with Rumpelstiltskin. With those two on the same team, anything could happen.
Not sure the Ariel flashbacks had a lot to do with the story thread in Neverland, other than help anchor the “secrets” theme (and of course introduce Ariel). I was curious to see what spin the writer’s gave the Little Mermaid. It’s not the classic Disney spin, in this version Regina imitates Ursula to trick Ariel into delivering Snow White. It was nicely done, Regina played an excellent vamped up blonde water witch. Her delivery as Ursula was fantastic. Nothing exciting about Ariel’s character, she’s new and not as fleshed out as the others so it’s hard to establish a liking for her yet.
It seems Ariel is destined to lead us out of Neverland next week. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve started to miss Storybrooke. Excited to catch up with our other characters back home. Not sure what Regina has planned, but whatever it is, it won’t be boring.
Aurora Snow Says:
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