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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Aurora Snow’s True Blood: Season 6: Episode 10: “Radioactive” Review




It’s the season finale at long last! So many questions and only one final episode to answer them in.  The never-ending funeral kicked the episode off, but at least it was just Sookie and Alcide leaving. Acide seems to have the hots for Sookie, and it isn’t hard to see she’s receptive. Too bad she is already claimed  by another.

Warlow’s nice guy veneer wore off real fast the second he didn’t get what he wanted. Sookie, predictable as ever, reneges on her promise to him. SLAP. Warlow is back to being the villain, as was originally intended. I half expected this, Warlow was a little too nice it just didn’t fit. I like him better as a villain anyway.

Love is never what it seems. Pam proves her love for Eric is still going strong, after she puts Tara in charge of Willa’s well-being and then ditches the newbies. Isn’t she supposed to love Tara too? Tara’s right, Pam and Eric are lousy makers. Ugh. Pam the lovesick puppy. I like Pam the boss bitch better. When does her bitchy side get to make a comeback? I miss her fiery character.

The overjoyed, sun bathing vamps are like college kids set free for the first time, gorgeously demonstrated in a daytime outdoor volleyball game. It almost looks like a commercial for Old Navy: happy active bodies in bright outfits. The superficial, commercially set scene makes me want to wretch rainbows. These are bloodsucking vamps not college coeds!

Bill isn’t having as much fun as all the other kids, he’s busy sulking over the loss of his Lilith-infused power.  He’s no longer Super Bill. Cheer up Bill this means you can have your life back, good news right?

Thank you Jessica for being the saintly voice of reason, urging Bill to do the right thing and save Sookie, whom he’d pretty much given up on. No one wants to see Sookie turned into a vamp, least of all Bill. It’s her human flaws that are so endearing (and sometimes annoying).

Bill and Warlow duke it out over Sookie: the old flame battling it out with the new one.  It’s a vamp pissing match! Meanwhile Jason and his rescue party whisk Sookie away from the fairy dimension and back home. Violet, Jason’s girlfriend, is quickly becoming one of the family. She heals Sookie with some of her blood as Jason watches. A very tender moment and in complete contrast to the hot kiss she planted on Sookie when they first met. Violet is a different type of vampire, one I could get used to. The role reversal between her and Jason is hilarious — I love that she’s making him wait –no, beg, for sex. So unlike what we normally see on this show.

Sookie and Warlow struggle in the bathroom when, SURPRISE, Fairy Grandpa pops in. The scene itself felt odd. All powerful Warlow was constrained by a shadow of gramp’s arms coming through the portal in Sookie’s bathroom. Sure. Not sure I’m buying it, but happy to see Warlow dead nonetheless. Now Sookie’s free to find another dysfunctional relationship. Jason played the hero part well, staking the brutal vamp and saving his sister.

With Warlow gone so too is the power of his blood, there will be no more day walking vamps. Fortunately it was the middle of the night as there was no warning for the vamps. But wait, where was Eric? Apparently he made a dramatic departure only to sunbath nude on the snow-covered mountains of Sweden. Not what I was expecting. Everyone handles grief in their own way, guess this was his. Unfortunately he was caught and burned with Warlow’s passing. Hard to say if this is the end of Eric. It certainly looks like the end. I suppose he could dig a deep hole in the snow where Pam will eventually find him. Improbable, but possible.

The fast forwarding of time shows that a lot has changed in six months. Mayor Sam Merlotte is using the church to push his government agenda. Not a bad plan and one that can be gotten away with in small communities.

The season finale closes on a party full of dark undertones. Everyone’s having a good time to celebrate and encourage the human/vamp partnership plan Mayor Sam is pushing. Free drinks, free food and plenty of smiling humans full of healthy pumping blood. Free food is a hilarious concept here especially if you take into account the symbolism. First of all nothing in life is free, not even the food. It all comes at a price and nowhere is that more clear than here at the party. Free food for the humans, who are the free food for the healthy vamps, but wait, they’re all about to be free food for the roving gang of diseased zombie vamps about to crash the party. It’s enough to make the ending pleasantly comical.

The finale set up so many exciting possibilities for season 7 including a vamp epidemic that could have the next season looking more like The Walking Dead. Looking forward to the next chapter!

Aurora Snow Says:

Episode Rating:



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  1. The volleyball game was a bit ridiculous and felt really hippy-dippy. And off the rails story-wise telling. So agreed. There is NO WAY that is the end of ERIC. 1 – we didn’t see him really die, 2 – we know pam is going to save him 3- give me a break with the FALSE JEAPARDY! we know he’s alive because they would not give the best character on the show such a lame send-off. I liked the grandpa thing even though it was improbably but I liked it. What I LOVED is this review!

    • Thanks!!! I’d hate to see Eric die that way. And you’re right, the likelihood of Pam saving him is pretty high. The show wouldn’t feel the same to me without him.

  2. Yeah I don’t think Eric destructed. He was not shown disintegrating, only burning. Definitely incapacitated and probably disfigured but not destroyed.

    I really enjoyed the part of the review about “free food”. That was awesome.

  3. Dear Miss Snow, do you think that the motif of vampires vouching powers and abilities to each other through their blood is emblematic of loyalty?

    • I could see how it’s form of loyalty, however because there is no choice in it it could also be seen as a form of indentured servitude.

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