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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Aurora’s True Blood, Season 6, Episode 4 “At Last” Review

“At Last”

***Warning: spoilers ahead***

There’s never a dull moment in the tiny town of Bon Temps, Louisiana. “At Last” kept this season’s busy pace on track, and left a few questions in the process. Eric and the governor’s daughter Willa took a big step in their relationship, elevating them beyond captor and captive. One burning question, and what I don’t understand, is why in the world would Eric send his new progeny back to daddy before she learned how to control herself? That seems like a glaring mistake on his part as baby Vamps just don’t possess the “people skills” necessary for human interaction. Instead of getting her daddy to see how lovable vampires can be, Willa helped re-enforce the idea that Vamps should be locked up and eradicated. Eric is usually a bit more clever in his decision making.

Sookie’s love interests are always disastrous; her taste in men is consistently lousy. I was rooting for Ben. Even after finding out he wasn’t quite the faerie he appeared to be, Ben still seemed like a good guy until the big reveal.  After all, Ben took a risk by popping his fangs out and sharing vamp blood with Jason Stackhouse, who was in desperate need of it (or maybe a hospital). He saved Jason, so he couldn’t be all bad. For a moment I wondered if Ben might be Warlow, but then decided Warlow would be mostly evil and dismissed that idea.  So the later reveal of who Ben is and what he’s really after was deliciously shocking. Ben was too good to be true – I knew it. However it was charming to see Sookie in action, setting her own trap, using herself as bait. It’s about time! Everyone else has used Sookie as bait at one time or another, it’s high time she does it for herself.

In the beginning Sheriff Andy wasn’t too keen on having four baby girls, but in a few short episodes we’ve seen an unwilling father become a caring parent, a character arc that reflects the exaggerated speed in which these girls have grown. His now full-fledged teenage girls are out to find trouble, as teenagers tend to do. Unfortunately, Andy’s girls are catnip to vamps. I initially thought it fortunate that it was Bill & Jessica who found them first and not some other hungry bloodsucker. Jessica was so worried about protecting the girls from Bill that she never considered the clear and present danger she posed to the girls  herself. Jessica’s always been the good-girl vamp, and seeing her go down this dark path was painful. Fingers crossed for some sort of redemption in next week’s episode. If those four girls aren’t dead they’re only a heartbeat away from it. Maybe Bill can salvage this by turning them into faerie vamps. I suspect if he’s able to do that it could solve his unique blood problem. The scientist he’s kidnapped and trapped downstairs would probably have better luck stabilizing vampire fairy blood than he did with the unstable faerie blood Bill had him working on. Just my guess. I still haven’t decided if I trust or like the new version of Lilith Bill yet.

Alcide’s pack finishes off the entrails of Nicole’s friends. Eew. I’m revolted by the werewolves at this point. Delirious with power, Alcide splits up the pack to bring back Emma and begins the hunt for Sam and Nicole. Sam and Nicole meanwhile have grown more attached after barely surviving recent tragic events. Sam deserves a good love interest. Not sure how Emma factors in. As much as I want Sam to have Emma, if this were taken to court it’s the grandma who would be next in line to take custody in the real world. It pains me to think this, but maybe Sam’s wrong for taking Emma. Time for him to let the memory of Luna go and quit holding on to her daughter illegally. Not that werewolves or vamps have any legal rights anymore.

I loved how this episode ended, with Sookie empowered, taking the upper hand with Warlow. One of my favorite episode endings so far. Wish there was more Lafayette in this episode, who lends some much-needed comic relief to the not so fun werewolf thread. What will we find in next week’s episode? Perhaps we’ll finally get to see just what goes on at the experimentation camp. Willa might be headed there, unless Daddy has something special planned for his little girl. True Blood’s high energy sixth season continues to impress.

Episode Rating:




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  1. I have to agree, this season has been very good up to this point, can’t wait to see what happens next week.

  2. I agree to 100%, excellent written. Surprised though, not usually normal to find a review that I could have had signed myself.

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