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Avengers: Endgame (Movie Review)

Avengers: Endgame (2019) PosterWe’ve come to it at last, the greatest epic of our times. With 22 films and more than 10 years of building towards it, Avengers: Endgame is ready to demolish the world and box-office.

When we last left our heroes, Thanos (Josh Brolin) had snapped his fingers and obliterated half of all Earth’s living things. That also meant wiping out half of the Avengers, as well.

With the current Avengers line-up in tatters, they will have to use every bit of ingenuity and imagination to try, at this point, to move forward with their lives. The world is a wasteland for the most part and some members and ex-members are scattered throughout, which makes having a reunion a little awkward.

I think that’s all I am going to give the readers out there for now in terms of what the film is actually about, considering it’s still opening weekend, and a lot of people still have not seen the film yet.

The Russo Brothers have done an admirable job in bringing the final chapter of the current MCU to a satisfying conclusion. In fact, I was reminded of the The Lord of the Rings films in terms of heart, spirit, and just being an action-packed spectacle. Oh, and the film runs a few minutes over three hours, so it’s no slouch getting you a big bang for your buck. If you have to hit the concession stands then please be aware of how long the film is.

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In this last installment, the writers have done a good job wrapping up storylines and threads previously set up in the past MCU. Some will have nit-picks but that goes territory of every single film. There’s no stopping that train.

Having seen the film twice in theaters, I would recommend all those within driving distance, to see the film at your nearest Dolby Cinema theater – it was phenomenal in that format. My next adventure will be to see it at my nearest IMAX screen in full 1.90:1. I might plan that for some time this week. I’m still recovering from my first two showings (I saw it twice the same day).

One thing that has been cemented in my mind is that of upgrading my home theater system a 4K with Atmos set-up. After seeing Avengers: Endgame in Dolby Cinema, I need 4K  and Atmos in my life immediately! I have no doubt the UHD Blu-ray will be demo-worthy.

Well, if you can’t tell by my glowing review already, thisfilm is one for the ages and needs to be experienced on the big screen as soon as possible. ‘Nuff said!

Avengers: Endgame is in theaters 26 April 2019 (USA)

4.5 / 5 TheaterByte Rating
{{ reviewsOverall }} / 5 Users (0 votes)
Marvel Studios | Walt Disney Pictures | Walt Disney Studios Motion PicturesStudios & Distributors
PG-13 (for sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and some language)Rating Certificate
181 Mins.Run Time
2.39:1 | 1.90:1 (IMAX)Aspect Ratio
Anthony Russo | Joe RussoDirector
Christopher Markus | Stephen McFeelyWriter
26 Apr. 2019Release Date
The Film
With the universe in tatters, the Avengers assemble once again to try to defeat the mighty Thanos (Josh Brolin) once and for all, and save the world. A fitting end to more than 10 years of Marvel superhero adventures. See it on the biggest and baddest theater you can. Dolby Cinema theaters are highly recommended! Avengers: Endgame is terrific.
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